In Two Point Campus, perhaps like real life, money is what education is all about. Students pay tuition and, in return, are given the skills they need to repay their loans. In order to make that money in Two Point Campus, you need to flex your managerial skills. Manage your money, avoid bloat, and find additional ways to increase revenue. Or just take some tips from this guide. We’ll get you on the right path to squeeze students for all they’re worth. Here’s how to make money quickly and efficiently in Two Point Campus.
Start by focusing on your courses
I don’t care how many vending machines you plop down, they’re not going to even nudge your bottom line. The real moneymaker is going to always be your courses. Not only do they bring in tuition, but that’s also what your students show up for. If you don’t focus on your courses, no one is going to rent your dorm rooms or level up to give you an XP bonus.
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They’re also very expensive to start up, but if you’re going to be spending your loan money on anything, it should be courses. It doesn’t matter if you have a half-dozen on offer or just a couple that you’ve leveled up to the max; you just need to make sure you’re constantly putting your course points somewhere in order to bring in as many students as you can get your hands on.
Don’t hire staff with superfluous stats
It can be tempting to reach for applicants that have the widest range of skills. However, take note that each skill point that they have raises their wage expectations. While a person with one point in research and one point in dark magic may seem more enticing than the guy with just one point in dark magic, ask yourself this: Are you really going to use a person with only a single stat point for research? Is it worth paying for? Do you already have a dedicated researcher?
This goes for all roles. Don’t hire assistants who have high marks in both medicine and pastoral. They can only do one thing at a time, so don’t waste the money on someone with both skills. Only hire applicants that specialize.
You’ll probably need a loan
The make or break point for most campuses is the beginning of the second year. You probably spent all your money getting your university set up, and now you need to provide for two years of classes. Lecture halls and additional facilities are a must.
If you haven’t already, this is the time to take a loan. While paying interest is a waste of cash, you usually don’t have a choice. Students and staff won’t tolerate your ramshackle accommodations anymore, and it’s time to expand. Just try to show some restraint and only borrow what you need to keep things going. You’ll need to stand on your own pretty quickly, and it’s hard to do that under a mountain of interest.
Consider archeology
Somewhere around halfway through the game, you’ll get the campus called Pebberly Ruins. Starting this up will net you the archeology course, which is a great way to boost your income. With the archeology course, students will dig up treasures from beneath the earth that you can sell. While some go for a paltry fee, they’ll frequently uncover gems and treasure chests that sell for over $40k.

Your students will empty a pit nearly twice a year, and if you don’t move or sell the items that they uncover, they’re sold automatically. Enough students working enough pits will cover your costs on their own. Better yet, pits are cheap, but beware: they’re going to demand computer and science labs, and those costs add up. Once you’ve got a few pits going, however, you’ve got it made.
Supplement your income with research
While research should primarily be used to upgrade your facilities, you’re eventually going to run out of facilities to upgrade. Once you’ve exhausted those projects, you’re left with the option to research for money or kudosh. Some of the goals even provide $50k each time you research them, and they will keep reappearing, allowing you to grab that prize whenever you want.
Having an upgraded research lab and maybe three teachers who have a hefty sum in their research stat will allow you to knock out these projects in pretty fast succession. It’s a great little booster for campuses that are underperforming month by month.
When all else fails, bring in The Orb
Most of the radio hosts agree: The Orb Foundation is some kind of sinister cult. Subjecting your students to their teachings would probably be irresponsible, but since when was responsible management lucrative?

Unlocked shortly into the Upper Etchings campus, The Orb Foundation works the same as any campus club. The difference is that every time a student levels up within the club you’re given a stipend. Note that climbing the ranks of the club decreases a student’s happiness, but last I checked, we’re in the business of making money. Maybe use this as a last resort. The other tips in this guide should have you raking in the cash already. However, more cash never hurt anybody. Not directly, anyway. For more on the new management sim, check out out Two Point Campus review and tips for beginners.
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