Leto lay supine on the sling bed in his cell, feeling the warm throb of a massage mechanism beneath him as it worked the stress-tightened muscles of his neck and back. He still didn’t know what he was going to do.
At the crowded blueplaz desk, deep in silent concentration, Thufir Hawat flipped through holo-pages projected in front of his eyes a compilation of the probable evidence that would be used against Leto, as well as analyses of Landsraad law. This information included the input of Atreides attorneys and the Mentat projections Hawat himself had made.
So far he had received no response from the Crown Prince, and Leto was now convinced that his wild bluff would not work. Relying on the secret message had been a long shot anyway, and Leto himself had no idea what it meant. Instead, for hour after hour, he and the Mentat had continued to discuss the merits of their case and the necessity of relying on their own skills.
Somehow, I always manage to find advantages, Rhombur had said. He could use a little more of his friend’s optimism now.
I’d think even a sixteen-year-old could be more subtle than that. Why would he demand a Trial by Forfeiture, then? Shaddam hated it when he couldn’t understand people and their actions.A ridiculous risk.
Fenring ran a finger along his pointed chin.I doubt that very much, Sire. The Atreides ship was there, as confirmed by witnesses. The weapons had been fired, and Leto has made no secret of his anger toward the Bene Tleilax. Remember his speech at the Landsraad? He is guilty. No one could believe otherwise.
Leto lay supine on the sling bed in his cell, feeling the warm throb of a massage mechanism beneath him as it worked the stress-tightened muscles of his neck and back. He still didn’t know what he was going to do.
Fenring ran a finger along his pointed chin.I doubt that very much, Sire. The Atreides ship was there, as confirmed by witnesses. The weapons had been fired, and Leto has made no secret of his anger toward the Bene Tleilax. Remember his speech at the Landsraad? He is guilty. No one could believe otherwise.
At the crowded blueplaz desk, deep in silent concentration, Thufir Hawat flipped through holo-pages projected in front of his eyes a compilation of the probable evidence that would be used against Leto, as well as analyses of Landsraad law. This information included the input of Atreides attorneys and the Mentat projections Hawat himself had made.
Ah, yes. But that’s —
It all points to my guilt, doesn’t it? Leto said. He sat up in the swaying bed, and the massage unit automatically paused.
Thufir, we know the projectiles were fired. We’ve reported that from the beginning. Rhombur and I went out on skeet-drone practice before the Heighliner folded space. Every member of our crew can testify to that.
Shaddam’s brow furrowed.Think on it, Hasimir it seems almost too obvious. Is there any chance at all that Duke Leto didn’t destroy the Tleilaxu ships?
-Law of the Imperium: Commentaries and Rebuttals
Shaddam’s brow furrowed.Think on it, Hasimir it seems almost too obvious. Is there any chance at all that Duke Leto didn’t destroy the Tleilaxu ships?
Thufir, we know the projectiles were fired. We’ve reported that from the beginning. Rhombur and I went out on skeet-drone practice before the Heighliner folded space. Every member of our crew can testify to that.
Leto lay supine on the sling bed in his cell, feeling the warm throb of a massage mechanism beneath him as it worked the stress-tightened muscles of his neck and back. He still didn’t know what he was going to do.
But why, why? Shaddam studied the well-manicured nails on his fingers, flushed with confusion.What does he have against me? I am his cousin
Oh, shut up, you old vulture
Fenring sighed.Leto Atreides is in thick with the ousted Prince of Ix. If he learned about our hand in the overthrow there and the Tleilaxu synthetic-spice work, wouldn’t that be motive enough? He inherited a deep, misplaced sense of honor from his father. Consider this, then: Leto took it upon himself to punish the Bene Tleilax. But if we let him stand trial now before the Landsraad, he plans to tell of our involvement and take us down with him. It’s as simple as that, hm-m-m-m? He committed the crime, all the while knowing we would have to protect him…to protect ourselves. Either way, he’ll have punished us. At least he left a way out.
I’d think even a sixteen-year-old could be more subtle than that. Why would he demand a Trial by Forfeiture, then? Shaddam hated it when he couldn’t understand people and their actions.A ridiculous risk.
I’d think even a sixteen-year-old could be more subtle than that. Why would he demand a Trial by Forfeiture, then? Shaddam hated it when he couldn’t understand people and their actions.A ridiculous risk.
Blackmail, Sire?
The written Law of the Imperium cannot be changed, no matter which Great House holds dominion or which Emperor sits on the Golden Lion Throne. The documents of the Imperial Constitution have been established for thousands of years. This is not to say that each regime is legally identical; the variations stem from subtleties of interpretation and from microscopic loopholes that become large enough to drive a Heighliner through.
Somehow, I always manage to find advantages, Rhombur had said. He could use a little more of his friend’s optimism now.
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